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Graphic Design


It is my dream to have a successful career in graphic design. I am skilled at using Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, and other programs. I love designing flyers, magazine spreads, logos, advertisements, etc..


For this assignment, I had to create my own magazine. I decided to create a magazine dedicated to student artwork, and I named it HUE. Every issue will be designed around a certain color. The mock issue I created is all about the color purple. All the artwork in this issue will predominantly feature purple. Every issue will also feature a Spotlight Artist. This artist would be a fellow student. The Spotlight Artist section would contain a bio on the student as well as several photos of their artwork. Along with each issue featuring a different color, it will also feature a different shape. The shape would have no impact on the actual content of the magazine. It is just another way of tying everything together. This project required a cover page, table of contents, one article with a jump page, and one article with a jump spread.

Ad Campaigns
Visit Pittsburgh

This project is an ad campaign for Visit Pittsburgh. There were several different elements required for this assignment, so this was a group assignment. My role was to design the ads. I had two other members in my group, and we were able to split the work equally. One member wrote all the text included. The other created the fake social media pages that were required. Furthermore, we all supplied photos for the project. This ad campaign required five pieces: two full-page magazine ads, one hotcard, one square web ad, and one horizontal banner web ad.

NYX Makeup

This was another group project ad campaign. Like before, I created the ads as well as the slogan. The photo was taken by a friend of one group member. We based our campaign on good quality makeup that is still affordable.

*Disclaimer: We do not own the logo for NYX

Cause Campaign


Magazine Spread

Object Translation

High Contrast

Points, Lines, and Planes



Web Ads

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